Timothee Pley

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Timothee Pley

Accredited Trainer

As far back as he can remember, Tim Pley has always been involved with horses. He was raised in a city called Lyon, located in the centre of France. With a desire to increase his knowledge and learn more about training reining horses, he went to learn in the United States at the age of 15.
Colorado was where he was introduced to the quarter horse world and all the disciplines and began to learn the fundamentals from starting a colt to more advanced training. Tim then worked as a head trainer at JW Quarter Horses Inc. in Alberta, Canada. It was the right time for him to push his knowledge and learn from the best. Tim decided to start the Team AD accreditation program which gave him the opportunity to build a solid training program. Now, he is training reining horses, from foundation to finished show horses in Europe. He believes in training soft, responsive, balanced horses in order to perform in the best conditions. Tim Pley’s reining training program will help you to reach your goals with your horse.


Email: timotheepley@gmail.com

Phone: +33 (0) 6 24 19 56 51

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/timothee.pley