Meet the Makers – Claudia Kuendig

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Meet the Makers – Claudia Kuendig

Meet the Makers – Claudia Kuendig

“A complex creation, in both design and methodology, the Hackamore has been developed through the centuries to meet the needs of trainers and horses. Ask any Hackamore man, and he says that for proper function, a Hackamore must have life to it, a certain spring and snap. That life is what gives the quick, concise cue-and-release necessary for Hackamore training.”  The Art of Hackamore Training, by Al Dunning & Benny Guitron

For many years, one of Al Dunning’s go to braiders has been Don Brown. A renowned and talented braider, known for creating hackamores with the intangible “life” sought by skilled horsemen. Together, Don and Al have spent a lifetime learning and honoring the traditions of braiding and training with the hackamore.

About a year ago, Don introduced Al to one of his most promising students, Claudia Kuendig. Originally from Switzerland, Claudia and her husband first emigrated to Texas to attend bible school. They later settled in Montague, California with their son, daughter, three horses and a pony.

She first started going to Don’s shop three years ago, after a chance introduction through a friend of her daughters. Her diligence and determination to master the craft was immediately evident, later described by Don, “Claudia is a different kind of person; she just sits and works until she gets it right.” Although she has only been braiding for a few years, her attention to detail and respect for the craft has earned her some of the highest praises from her teacher, “She has the chance to be as great as Luis Ortega if she keeps at it. Her hackamore and the horse understand each other”.

Claudia, who is much humbler about her talent says she just enjoys how each piece comes together, “I really like how the buttons come together especially with different colors. The way you can create something from just string.” Claudia is passionate about braiding effective equipment, a mentality instilled by her mentor, “I like to braid for what the customer wants, Don Brown always told me ‘You know you need to make something that actually works. Not something to just look at.’ I prefer to make something useable, something that works on the horses.”

After being introduced, Claudia sent Al a hackamore. She asked him to try it and let her know what he thought. It was clear to Al in that moment that Don was right about Claudia, “I bought that hackamore immediately,” chuckled Al. Al also provided her with his insight on what he prefers and likes to see in a hackamore: a good medium flex core, that will provide a little bite, a swelled nose button to provide clearer signal and balance, nerve knots, and a decent weight to the heel knot. Al likes for the cheeks of his hackamores to stay around a 12 plait, “When you get to many more strings like a 32 plait, it looks really good, but you lose some of the effect on the horse.” 








Another factor to the quality and “feel” of the hackamore are the materials used in the braiding process. Claudia makes and uses rawhide cores in her braiding, just like Don taught her. She has also cut and dyed her own strings before, but now elects to use strings made by fellow craftsman Randy Roberts, “He has really good quality strings with a great bevel,” says Claudia. The combination of quality materials, horsemanship, and dedicated craftsmanship allows Claudia to create hackamores that are not only works of art, but also an effective communication channel to the horse.  

AD Tack was created with the purpose of offering carefully curated equipment, hand-selected by Al Dunning, to horsemen everywhere. We are proud to offer a small selection of Claudia Kuendig hackamores and romal reins.  Shop Claudia’s work HERE


Claudia Kuendig, Hackamore, Horsemanship, meet the makers

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